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Contact Us




(617) 529-7042


Boston Office
Paul Davenport & Associates, LLC
One Washington Mall, Suite 1209

Boston, MA  02108



Firm Profile



The law firm of Paul Davenport & Associates, LLC is a general practice law firm specializing in criminal defense.  We are committed to representing our clients in all areas of litigation and have over two decades of courtroom and jury trial experience throughout all of the courts in Massachusetts.

Our criminal defense jury trial experience sets us apart from other firms.  We have successfully defended our clients at trial at every jurisdictional level--District Courts, Boston Municipal Courts, Superior Courts and Federal Court--and for charges ranging all the way up to first-degree murder. 




We are a general practice law firm and offer the full range of services of any group of lawyers, but specialize in courtroom litigation.  We spend the majority of our days in the courtrooms throughout Massachusetts arguing before judges and juries.  This is the area where we bring outstanding results protecting our clients' interests, rights, and liberty.

The best way to win a legal fight is to use someone who has been in similar fights before and is used to seeing them through to jury trial.  Someone who knows how a trial should be fought and is not going to be afraid of fighting all the way to winning.


Criminal Arraignments


An arraignment is when someone is formally charged with a crime in court.  There are three parts to any criminal arraignment. 

Areas of Practice



Criminal Law​​


Mental Health Law


Registry of Motor Vehicles



Collateral Consequences for Criminal Convictions in Massachusetts


If you plead guilty or are found guilty of committing a crime, there are many potential collateral consequences to such a conviction beyond the fine and/or incarceration imposed by the court at sentencing. 

Jeruchim & Davenport, LLP is no longer in practice.
To reach Aviva Jeruchim, please contact her at:

Jeruchim & Associates, P.C.

6 Beacon Street, Suite 825

Boston, MA  02108

(617) 312-2255

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